
Revelation 19:11-20:15

We share a buffet meal of the most important doctrinal dishes Revelation has to serve us in its 20th chapter. Is Jesus always loving and forgiving? Will the Christian church survive? Are good and evil two sides of the one coin existing forever? What happens when we die before the day of judgement? What power does the devil have right now? How are we judged at the end? Are Christians judged at all? What happens to humans after that? Are we living in the good bit or the bad bit?

Our senior minister Megan Curlis-Gibson continues our series in the Book of Revelation: HOPE UNVEILED. The Bible reading for this sermon is Revelation 20:1-15.

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We are a welcoming and growing multigenerational church in Doncaster East in Melbourne with refreshing faith in Jesus Christ. We think that looks like being life-giving to the believer, surprising to the world, and strengthening to the weary and doubting.