All people have the right to feel safe at church

At Deep Creek, we are committed to creating a community that is safe and welcoming for all people. We all have a role to play in keeping children and other vulnerable people safe. 

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Volunteer Training and Screening

All staff and volunteers working at Deep Creek Anglican Church have undertaken Safe Ministry training. 

People working with children also have a WWCC, police check and have undergone reference checks. 

If you have questions about our volunteer processes and training, please contact Rachel McConnell 

Code of Conduct for Child Safety and Wellbeing Safe Ministry Policy

Additional Safe Ministry information can be accessed through the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne website. 

Anglican Diocese Safe Ministry Resources

Accessing Support and Reporting Unsafe Practises

If something or someone has made you feel unsafe or uncomfortable at church (or a church event) there are many ways you can seek support

  1. If you, or someone you know, is in immediate danger call 000
  2. Speak with a ministry leader or Rachel McConnell, our Safe Ministry Officer, to discuss your concerns. Contact Rachel on 0402 120 791 or send an email to
  3. You can also make a report directly to Kooyoora, the independent Professional Standards Provider for the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne. Call 1800 135 246 or visit the website