Melbourne-based author Matthew Pullar has published a collection of poetry following the shape of the church year, which is highly recommended for purchase. It is called “The Swelling Year: Poems for Holy and Ordinary Days” and was published in 2019 by Consolation Press, Melbourne. Selections are also freely available on his website, including a cycle of Lenten and Holy Week poems called “Remember our Dust”.
The thoughtful and creative folk at Sacred Ordinary Days have produced a downloadable collection of colouring pages for adults and children for Lent and Eastertide.
For those wishing to have a reminder of this season at home - and because we in Melbourne couldn't gather on Ash Wednesday - we love the idea of creating a stone "ashed" with a cross, which you could make from found objects or by using clay and charcoal, and keep somewhere visible in your home during Lent as a reminder of both repentance and our mortality.
Worship Music
Did you know Deep Creek has a playlist on Spotify? You can search “Deep Creek Worship Music” and “Deep Creek Easter Eve” for a great selection of songs you might know and can use at home in your own times of worship and praise.
Deep Creek Worship Music Playlist
Deep Creek Easter Eve Playlist
God willing, we will also have a time of worship and prayer together in the church at 8pm on Monday 1st March, with a special focus on Lent and the renewal of the mind.
A Prayer Book for Australia
Weekly prayers for Lent are found in the downloadable PDF below. To help you interact with these more deeply, you may choose to write them out each day, or to put them into your own words, or to journal around each line, finding Scriptures (through concordance use, web or software searches or your memory!) which support and motivate each part of the prayer. I’d love to see your results!